Kamis, 13 September 2007

This Just In…

Scott Ott has posted a leaked copy of Dubya’s speech tonite… (and yeah, it's two days old, the link. I told you I was behind the power curve today...)

(2007-09-11) — As Gen. David H. Petraeus and U.S. ambassador Ryan Crocker testify this week before Congress about the release of their Iraq progress report, an alleged draft of the upcoming speech by President George Bush has leaked to the media through the usual channels.

Below is the unedited text of the speech scheduled for delivery later this week.

THE PRESIDENT: My fellow Americans, a handful of you this week have listened in on what passes for Congressional hearings. You’ve endured the speeches of politicians who arrived with their minds set in concrete, as bulwarks against the truth. You have watched as one of our nation’s brave, devoted, valiant soldiers was ignored and described (in so many words) as a liar.

These broadcasts brought joy to the caves of al Qaeda, the halls of al-Jazeera, and to the streets of places where 9/11 is celebrated with dancing as the day America was devastated.

If you have watched or listened to these hearings, you can bear witness now that many so-called ‘representatives of the people’ have no clue what the people believe.


This week, some in Congress have appeared on global TV and questioned the integrity of a four-star general, and told our enemies that the U.S. Commander in Chief has sent his lackey to Congress to lie for him.

Whose cause do you advance with those verbal tactics?

Which side rejoices to hear such words?

What great objective can be accomplished through such speech?

They say history is written by the victors. When you envision this page of history being recorded, thanks to a grant from the National History Foundation of the Islamic Republic of America, no doubt you can already hear the accolades.

Recent polls show that 64 percent of Americans oppose the war. Let me tell you, on behalf of Gen. David Petraeus and the men and women who fight under the banner of freedom, 100 percent of our troops oppose the war. Our troops would rather be home holding their babies, mowing their lawns, taking the boys to football practice, eating a home-cooked meal.

But war has been declared on us. In time of war you do what you hate to preserve what you love.

If only…

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