Kamis, 20 September 2007

That Kind of Day

It’s just that kinda day… And, by that, I mean short on motivation and long on procrastination. But there’s one more thing, as well. I stumbled upon a new-to-me blog today while reading comments over at Shelly’s place. And once I began reading I couldn’t stop. I finished reading “Cool, Calm, and Collected…” about a half-hour or so ago and I’m still in a state of wonderment and awe.

Mel, the proprietress of CC&C, is in a living nightmare, a nightmare all too familiar to military people and their families these days: her fiancé was killed in Iraq. Mel is handling her grief with strength and courage, and those facts come out in her writing. So, if you think you’re having a bad day…well, you’re probably not. Not compared to Mel and the others who have lost loved ones.

Drop over by her place and give her a hug. She deserves it.

Google mystery… Just for grins and giggles, and before I began making the day’s rounds this morning, I chased up a Google query that resulted in a visit to EIP. I was amazed to see this (as usual, click for larger).

There are over 91,000 links for this particular query, and EIP is Number One. How does that happen, one wonders? What are the ins-and-outs of Google’s algorithms that determine how a web page gets ranked? I know I’m not the first person to ask such a (stupid) question, but it fascinates me, nonetheless.

Today’s Pic: Sort of a re-run from April of this year… “Interesting Skies, Take Three.”

Right out my back door here in P-Ville.

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