Words of wisdom from Rocco DiPippo, a man who’s Been There, Done That… and
has numerous tee shirts to prove it:
Who can say that the morale of ordinary Iraqis and American soldiers was not damaged when one of the most powerful men in America, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, stood in front of the world and declared, “I believe… that this war is lost.” Who can expect them to ignore the defeatist postures of men and women like John Kerry, Richard Durbin, Edward Kennedy, John Murtha, Jack Reed, John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi? Who can forget the media deification of people like Cindy Sheehan and groups like International A.N.S.W.E.R and Code Pink, who are far more concerned with pushing a radical social and political agenda than they are with bringing peace and stability to Iraq?
Iraqis watch us, and they listen to us. What they hear from some of our politicians, political activists and cultural elites has made many of them reluctant to work with the Americans in bringing security to their country. Many Iraqis are afraid of what they are hearing from the Democratic Party leadership and their media shills – that America will abandon them. And as long as they are afraid, they will be reluctant to seize the initiative in their towns and villages and chase out those who are murdering their families.
That reluctance makes sense, since if the Americans leave now, as the Democrats are urging, the murderers will rule them. And the murderers will hunt down and kill anyone who ever worked with or cooperated with Americans.
Preaching to the choir, once again. But the message in this sermon is one that bears repeating, often. One hopes that, eventually, the Democrats will understand the full implications of what being defeated in Iraq actually means. Not only to us, but to thousands of Iraqis who have worked with the United States to defeat al Qaeda and the insurgency, against their “better judgment.” And, as Mr. DiPippo correctly points out, who could blame the average Iraqi for sitting on the fence, based on the words and actions of “the loyal opposition,” including those who would replace George W. Bush? How could one trust one’s very life, and the lives of their families, with these people? That’s asking a lot. God Bless the Iraqis who have made that leap of faith. I hope we don’t abandon them.
h/t: Chap
Today’s Pic: Sunrise over Beautiful La Hacienda Trailer Park a little over a year ago — August 16, 2006, to be exact. I took 67 pictures of this particular sunrise and you’ve already seen numbers 66 and 67 in this series. Today you get numbers 49 and 54.
Will I post all 67 pics, you ask? No. But there just might be more postings from this series in future. Time, and the addition of new photos to the archive so as to prevent re-runs, will tell.
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