The lead graf of an e-mail I received this afternoon from Senator John Cornyn, R-TX.
During August, I was able to visit virtually every region of our state and talk with thousands of Texans. As usual, what I heard was far different from what the national news media reports as conventional wisdom in Washington, D.C. While visiting with troops and their families at Fort Bliss, Fort Hood and at the Soldier Appreciation Day in Round Rock, I was repeatedly reassured that morale among our volunteer military is high. Our service men and women have a far better grasp on their mission, and our prospects for success, than do some of my Congressional colleagues. The troops say they’re more committed than ever to their mission. Many Texans also told me they want to be sure we have a winning strategy in Iraq, and they are encouraged by the progress we’re making. Finally, Texans everywhere remain strongly united behind our troops. To be sure, all of us want to bring our troops home as soon as possible. But to abandon the mission before Iraq is secure would allow that country to again become a breeding ground for terrorism. Our focus must remain on the long-term security interest of the United States, and ensuring our enemy doesn’t follow us back home. It would reverse all of the hard-earned gains that our troops have made in recent months.
My guy gets it. I’m pretty sure my Gal does, too. But then, they’re both Type Rs.
Finest kind.
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