Via Blog Buddy Morgan (and FARK, which has a comments thread on the video that’s only a lil bit unhinged)…Hell MS-NBC Freezes Over. Or, KO apologizes! S'true:
Coincidence, I’m sure (heh)…but why did I think of this while watching the Olby “apology?” And btw... have I ever told you how much I dislike Olbermann, Gentle Reader? Oh, yes...I have. Sorry.
Anyhoo. That IBD link was gonna get a post all its own, but it’s sorta like saying “In other news, the sun rose in the east this morning…” Nothing you didn’t already know, Gentle Reader. Except the media bias study IBD is on about was done at Harvard. Now that’s news.
Can’t you just imagine the faculty/advisor/team meetings that went down before Hah-vahd published the study’s findings? I’ll bet those meetings were…um… “interesting.” To say the VERY least.
My non-military readers might find this discussion over at Q&O about roles and missions of the four services interesting…or at least enlightening. The discussion takes place in the context of replying to a moonbat’s Liberal Lefty’s post about abolishing the Air Force (linked only for context, although the comments are rather amusing in that “Jane, you ignorant slut!” kinda way.), and as such primarily focuses on / discusses USAF roles and missions. It’s been pointed out before that the General Public is often unaware of what the military actually does with all that high-priced hardware you buy us with your tax money. The discussion at Q&O goes quite a ways towards fixing that.
Good stuff. And there’s more in the same vein here. Which coincidentally is the site where that “Abolish The AF?” post originally appeared…
(h/t: Mike)
Today’s Pic: Apropos of nothing, here’s The Lovely and Talented Miss Zukiko in all her glory, right after a wash and rub-down about a week ago. And…in a departure from my normal practice…I haven’t resized the pic for posting purposes, all the better for you to take in some of the marvelous details on her lithe frame and body parts.
Or: Bike Pr0n!
Note, too, the exhaust pipe on the forward cylinder is beginning to acquire some “character.” And that’s a good thing. Motorcycle exhaust pipes used to exhibit such coloring, which can vary from shades of blue to various bronze tones, back in the days before double-walled chrome exhaust tubes. As I said: that was a mark of character. It could also be an indication that carburetion was screwed up mightily, too. But we won’t go into that. Besides that, Miss Zukiko sports fuel-injection, doncha know. I like that.
October 24. P-Ville. Click for larger.
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