Senin, 05 November 2007

"The Enemy of My Enemy...

…is my friend.” I’ll quote the WSJ:

This sentiment has dominated liberal blogs, where a general consensus has formed that Mr. Giuliani would be the worst president imaginable. Mr. Giuliani's decision to include neoconservative icon Norman Podhoretz on his foreign-policy advisory team has also triggered liberal paranoia about his determination to attack Iran. Lost in all the fuss is the fact that Charles Hill, a Yale professor, is actually Mr. Giuliani's top adviser. What Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Hill have both emphasized is that if America makes it clear that it will not hesitate to use military force, diplomacy has a much more realistic chance of succeeding. Not that this line of reasoning would win over any of his critics on the left.


The Giuliani hate fest has also infiltrated the airwaves, where Keith Olbermann has made bashing Rudy a daily feature on his show. Last Monday, an Olbermann segment entitled "Rudy Giuliani: The next Dick Cheney?" was about Mr. Giuliani's penchant for "secrecy" and "proclivity for executive power..."

This was followed up on Tuesday with a segment that began with a graphic featuring Mr. Giuliani, President Bush in the background and the words "Bush on Steroids"--a reference to John Edwards's comment that Mr. Giuliani shares Mr. Bush's love of "crony capitalism."

Well, now. Aren’t those extremely positive indications, from a conservative’s perspective? But still and even, all you Fred-Heads should take note. Your boy ain’t gettin’ near the negative reax from the moonbats Liberals as Rudy is. And that, my friends, is a sign.

Just in case it isn’t clear: I used the term “enemy” in the title loosely, of course. Coz we’re all Americans…even those willfully misunderstanding (and the self-proclaimed misunderstood, as in “don’t question my patriotism!”) folks on the Far Left Fringe. I think.

Oh. Concerning who it is I'm going to support. I'm still undecided. But the time is coming...

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