An American Institution, as seen by the Brits and written about in The Times (UK): “Kentucky shows off its racy side to the royals.” It’s not a bad article…not bad at all!
This, however, is beyond comprehension…Lileks:
My column will end a week from this Friday. (There’s a series of pieces I can’t wait to write.) After that, it's just-the-facts-ma'am - and I'll no longer be telecommuting, either. This means I will start burning my share of hydrocarbons like a good American. Hell, I may leave the vehicle running all day outside the building just to make up for lost time. Maybe I will put a green roof on the car to balance things out. Some turf, some switchgrass. It's murder on the paint but we all must do our part.
Would it matter if you contacted the paper? It very well might. Here's the reader's rep's page.
If I can get my column back and / or a nice big Online gig, that would be a satisfactory conclusion. Reporting on internet start-ups as opposed to joining an internet start-up – eh, not so much.
There’s not a soul amongst us who doesn’t have a horror story about mismanagement in corporate America …and I have a boat-load of those stories, myself. But MY stories pale by comparison to this one. James’ new job? Writing straight news. Now there’s a classic mismatch of skills-to-assignment if ever there was one. Incredible.
I’m not sure what good, if anything, can come about if non-Minneapolis residents write and make their feelings known to the Strib’s Reader’s Rep. But…it doesn’t hurt to try, eh?
Abbreviated entry this morning for the usual reasons plus one. Up too late, slept in until mid-morning, and then received a call from the Suzuki store before the first cup was poured. The parts are in to restore the ‘Zuki to its gleaming, pristine, pre-pratfall condition. Just one problema…the first available service appointment is not until June 5th. Even math-challenged persons such as I understand that is nearly a month from now, to the day. I can live with a scratched fairing, but I cannot live without my turn signals on a nearly 1,800 mile trip to Salt Lake City and back. And the service personnel were duly informed of that fact when I told them “Hey! This is a safety issue!” The response was “Just a minute,” followed by “we can do the turn signal…just bring it in anytime.” Thanks, Guys. I’ll do just that.
So. It’s off to the Big(ger) CityTM immediately, if not sooner. Right after I post this.
Back later today…
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