Minggu, 02 Desember 2007

Well, It Made Me Laugh...

Via blog-buddy Morgan…a series of politically INcorrect ads in last week’s Daily Mail (UK). Two or three of these made me laugh out loud, but this one…

Well, let us say that the scenario depicted herein probably occurs much more often than we want to admit, eh? Present company excepted, of course. Both you and I would never indulge in such behavior now, would we, Gentle Reader? As either administrator OR recipient...

Added at 1435 hrs: just in case I'm not entirely clear... I meant "indulge in such behavior" as meaning consensual activity between adults. I do not associate any other connotation(s) with the above image.

Dang. I begin with the intention of lampooning the PC-World and end up joining it. Such is 21st century life. Disclaimers 'R' Us.

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