Senin, 20 Agustus 2007

"Off the Grid." Literally.

Someone I think you’d like to know, assuming, Gentle Reader, that you appreciate excellent writing, adventure, and tales of the road less taken Meet Lin, proprietress of the most-excellent blog If the Creek Don’t Rise. “If the Creek Don’t Rise” is the chronicle of a quasi-retired (Lin’s words) couple that moved from somewhere in Ohio to rural northern New Mexico to live a life “off the grid,” which means exactly what it says: no electricity, no running water, and miles away from the nearest paved road. I’m not sure exactly how long I spent reading Lin’s blog last night in terms of absolute time, but as the saying goes: “time flies when you’re having fun.” I read the entire blog last evening, which consists of 80 posts documenting nearly two years of forging a life that is most atypical, in the best possible sense of that word. And I’ve not been entertained as well, or as satisfyingly, in years. As I said to Lin in the comments to yesterday’s EIP post: “Anyone who says the American Pioneer Spirit is dead obviously hasn't read your blog.”

I think you’ll like her.

Back in a bit.

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