Minggu, 15 Juli 2007

The State of the State

Outside: 88 degrees, light rain, calm (yes…you read that correctly. It’s calm. Amazing.).

Inside: Coffee nearly finished (note the post time…I’m such a slug today), ditto the “normal rounds,” motivation lacking. News of the World unattended to and will likely remain so. Because, Gentle Reader, it’s Sunday.

Item of note: As promised, SN2 has put up more wedding pictures.

I may or may not be back today, depending on what I find in my miscellaneous meanderings.

All three pics taken about ten minutes ago. Pic Number One is the general environment; Pic Number Two is looking northeast...where the WX is pretty clear; Pic Number Three is looking southwest, where the rain is coming from. I do believe it's gonna rain off and on all day. Not good for the nine-to-fivers, but I'm totally ambivalent...not to rub it in, or anything. {insert smiley face thingie here}

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