Gore Redux… Gerard:
Many in the last few days have been at pains to point out THE HYPOCRISY! of private jets, mega-mansions, international rock concerts that save the planet by polluting it, and the myriad other sins against the Holy Gaia (Blessed be Her Name, amen). But if you do, pace please, you do not have the long view of a future Waterworld worse than the movie of the same name because there shall be no Kevin Costner in it. Your mortal sin is only that you have not quaffed from the shroom cup and had "the vision."
Our New Saints have had this vision. It has been extracted from their Book of Climate Revelations like crystal meth from cold pills, and we should not gainsay it simply because their generation absorbed enough pyschoactive chemicals over the decades to gobstop a pod of blue whales. What if they did? What if all this is some bizarre vision; some acid-flashforward? Is it any less a vision for having "consensus science" behind it.
I say that we should honor their shared hallucinations, that we should not take away one iota of a scintilla of a jot of their monumental self-esteem. After all, the rich, famous and deranged have feelings too. Besides, we no longer institutionalize people who "see dead planets." We just check them into rehab for the afternoon.
OK, I’ll get off this subject, eventually. But Gerard is just so damned eloquent on the subject! I’d be remiss if I failed to link. And you’ll be remiss and a lil bit poorer if you don’t go…
I said I’d get off this eventually. But not before pointing you to Iowahawk, who has the answer:
Earn Eco-Salvation the Quick and Easy
Are you concerned that your profligate personal lifestyle is harming the environment? Losing sleep over the long-term ecological damage resulting from those greenhouse gases constantly emitted by your family, your cars, your pets, and your shrubbery? Do you want to become carbon-neutral, but just don't know how?
Well rejoice, sinner! Carbon atonement is no longer the exclusive preserve of the
Lotsa good links, too, including some previously encountered right here at EIP. But, I’m not nearly as funny. Don’t forget to download one of the bumper stickers, just to make sure everyone knows you’re environmentally-correct. It’s the least you can do.
Trolls Beware! We know who you are…or we can damned well find out! The troll phenomenon is one of the more interesting annoying things about blogging. Trolls are nearly always anonymous. Trolls are very nearly always rude, at best. At their worst they can be deranged. The interesting thing, to me, is how stupid trolls are in their presumption of anonymity. In other words, the simplistic and very fallible logic is as follows: “If I use a pseudonym, no one will know who I am.” Wrong, Sparky. Just follow the “find out” link above and see just how much one can uncover about anyone…just by looking.
I get very, very few trolls here at EIP (Thank God) because I’m very, very small in the whole scheme of things. Small is good, sometimes. (h/t: Lex, who had an interesting encounter with the subject über-troll.)
Very abbreviated rounds today. I have to go run some errands, and the day grows short. So I’d best “get with the program,” as we used to say back in the day.
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