Think Progress:
Gore Responds To Drudge's Latest Hysterics
Discussion: WorldNetDaily, Riehl World View,, Hot Air, Blogometer, CBS News, Shakespeare's Sister, The Carpetbagger Report, ABCNEWS, The Sundries Shack, The Huffington Post, Iowa Voice, Polimom Says, Sister Toldjah, The Anonymous Liberal, Don Surber, TigerHawk, Redstate,, Captain's Quarters, Wizbang, Stop The ACLU,, Liberal Values, News Bloggers Blog,, Drudge Report, Ace of Spades HQ, Barcepundit, Roger L. Simon, Reason Magazine, On Deadline, Jules Crittenden, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Blue Crab Boulevard, Oliver Willis and The Political Pit Bull
And that’s just the Big Dogs! Last night this lil brouhaha was the lead item; today it’s been bumped down to the bottom because of its age. But, I digress.
I found something useful and interesting at the Think Progress link. In the body of the TP post is a link to a site that allows you, encourages you, to calculate your personal “carbon footprint.” So I did. My results (a screenshot from that website) are on the right, click for larger.
I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you! My carbon footprint is “larger than average,” even though my car gets about 30 miles per gallon, I drive about half the miles an average American drives in a year, my entire frickin’ domicile is probably less than 20% of the square footage of any of the eight bedrooms in Algore’s home and my aggregate utility bill is about three percent of Algore’s. I’m biased, of course, but I feel I live pretty damned frugally and a helluva lot, a WHOLE HELLUVA LOT, more modestly than most. And yet my carbon footprint is “larger than average?” Or could it be an inconvenient truth that this site’s sole purpose is to induce guilt?
Oh, Hell. It’s all my fault and I’m SO sorry the planet’s gonna burn up. Forgive me; I knew not what I was doing.
Update 2/27 - 1320 hrs: Do NOT miss The Anchoress on this subject. Excellent points, excellent writing, and excellent linkage.
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